Jillian Chantal

Jillian here back for my day on Curious Bluster and even though I’m writing this before I leave home, I’m very excited to tell y’all what I’m doing this day. I’m also curious about what I’ll be doing myself since I’m not quite sure what will be on the actual agenda for the day.


I’ve traveled to Paris for the first time and left home on the 13th. I’ve been to France before but never to the City of Love. This trip isn’t with my spouse so it’s not a romantic trip. I’m here with my son who wants to attend grad school in the city. He graduates college in about 18 months so we’ve come to check out two schools as well as play the tourist game. And oh, yeah, pick up some writing inspiration for me along the way.


I can’t wait to explore this place and do some ambling along the Seine. We always love to check out old bookstores and I’m sure we will have that as part of the plans. I’ll also be picking up maps to help me with that writerly thing. When I set a story here, which I will, I’ll want to refer back to those maps to be sure my characters are authentically depicted in the correct arrondissement as they go about their business. I’m all about trying to get it right.


I’m also possibly participating in a 2015 anthology based around the battle of Waterloo and hope to be inspired by checking out some Napoleonic era museum or literature. June, 2015 is the 200th anniversary of the battle and the anthology is in commemoration of that event.


While I’m still here in Paris, anyone have any not to miss places I need to check out?


I hope everyone is having a super August and getting in lots of relaxation and fun. See you in September.

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